Training for Retirement – Overview

Retirement is as a second chance at life. An opportunity to take the paths not followed and to answer the unanswered questions about life’s choices. You need to enjoy the process as part of your life rather than a task or what you are told are the “suppose to’s of retirement that are designed to keep you out of the way. There are many paths you can choose:

1.Continue to work
2.Activates fill the day
5.Paradigm shift of how your see yourself and what give you pleasure, happiness and purpose

Each of these are covered in the book Retirement – How not to end up Lonely, Tired and Bored by Joel E. Smith, available on amazon.
Coaching for retirement the process of discovery and change to help you deal with the reality of retirement. It is a rediscovery and awareness rather than a journey to somewhere. It is about seeing yourself as you are today and the transition to find pleasure, happiness, and purpose. It excluding drugs, sex, and conspicuous consumption and focuses on basics of your life eating, breathing, mental awareness and physical activity all in support of finding your please, happiness and purpose.

The training is centered around
Low stress, low impact multiple muscle group exercises that can be part of your life
Carbohydrate/sugar reduction program
oNo calorie restriction eating regime
oGradual intermittent fasting
Meditation development centered around clearing your mind and obtaining focus on self
How to find the tribe that supports your pleasure, happiness and purpose

Training helps you build self-improvement and monitoring skills that you will use to empower your retirement choices. Training centers around the following areas:
Core development
Multiple muscle group activities
Expanding your comfort zone


You spent 40 plus years paying attention to and planning your Breadwinning career. Work-related issues and problems filled your mind on the job and when at home. Now that is gone, but your mind has not moved on. Just like your planning for retirement where you were given financial advice on saving for retirement. You maintained a 401K, set aside money from your family for your own future use. You may have even gotten get help by engaging a financial planner to guide your investing. You were told that hobbies and vacations will fill your days with happiness and purpose. It may, but not likely. The book “Retirement How NOT to end up Tired, Bored and Lonely” is an excellent introduction to this next part of your life. In retirement, you need to rediscover yourself and your new purpose.

Retirement has started. What do I do? Just say Hi! Part III

The power of Hello, Good Morning, Please and Thank You.

You need to get up and get out of the house. Yes, out of the house. Go for a walk, bike ride or shop where there are other people. If walking, make eye contact and say Good Morning. Say Hi my name is Joel, I was wondering if you could direct me, guide me, spare a moment to talk.

Power of Hello.

The true benefits of saying Hi

You will feel the difference after the very first day. As you develop your style, the simple “Hello Joel” makes you feel great and who knows what it can lead too.

You spent 40 plus years paying attention to and planning your Breadwinning career. Work-related issues and problems filled your mind on the job and when at home. Now that is gone, but your mind has not moved on. Just like your planning for retirement where you were given financial advice on saving for retirement. You maintained a 401K, set aside money from your family for your own future use. You may have even gotten get help by engaging a financial planner to guide your investing. You were told that hobbies and vacations will fill your days with happiness and purpose. It may, but not likely. The book “Retirement How NOT to end up Tired, Bored and Lonely” is an excellent introduction to this next part of your life. In retirement, you need to rediscover yourself and your new purpose.

Meditation Is it possible while under drug addition

The purpose of meditation is to have a tool to manage all the busy thoughts generated by judgments of others and negative thinking. Judging other would be great if they wanted or cared about your opinion. Usually, they do not, and it is only you justifying your view in contrast to theirs. Agree to disagree. Accept their idea as an alternative and free your mind and body from managing it on your thought list. Negative thinking is you looking for problems. Great if walking in the forest and watching out for lions, tigers, and bears or running a company looking for future challenges to solve. These are now distractions from you seeing yourself.

Drugs, in this case, sugar and carbohydrates when eaten in excessive quantities are an addictive drug that can result in diabetes, excessive weight, and anxiety or Metabolic Syndrome. These ailments are distractions from you finding yourself and your pleasures, happiness, and purpose during retirement

Are you a sugar and carbohydrate drug addict? Try MyFitnessPal and iPhone application to measure your percent carbohydrates and sugars that are consumed as part of your daily calories. Just like smoking, caffeine and alcohol, all drugs that hamper your free will, you are a drug addict addicted to sugars and carbohydrates.

Ted YouTube video on Sugar and Carbohydrates as an addictive drug:

You spent 40 plus years paying attention to and planning your Breadwinning career. Work-related issues and problems filled your mind on the job and when at home. Now that is gone, but your mind has not moved on. Just like your planning for retirement where you were given financial advice on saving for retirement. You maintain a 401K, set aside money from your family for your own future use. You may even get help by engaging a financial planner to guide your investing. You are told that hobbies and vacations will fill your days with happiness and purpose. It may, but not likely. The book “Retirement How NOT to end up Tired, Bored and Lonely” is an excellent introduction to this next part of your life.

Meditation See Your True Self – Acceptance not Judgement

To be successful in your second life the one that does not include your Bread winning career, you need to see what give you pleasure, happiness and purpose. In your Bread winning career it was easier, money and meeting your family needs. Now it is just you. You need to clear your mind of judging others, you know the negative thinking. You can manage this list by writing it down, read it over and put is aside, now think about you. Start with an item totally under your control like brushing your teeth:

— Which toothpaste?
— Firmness of toothbrush (soft, medium or hard)?
— How long do you brush?
— Electrical or manual?

This finding yourself takes concentration, effort and acceptance of your choices, not judgement or looking good for others. Set a timer on your phone for two minutes and while brushing think about how it feels. Are you tasting the tooth paste? When done, do you feel good about yourself? Are you in the moment of brushing your teeth? Did it give you pleasure, happiness and a sense of purpose?

Do you see brushing your teeth as a few moments of self care, meditation and calm or an obligation?

If you like electric toothbrush and your wife likes manual is she wrong? Can you embrace her like of manual toothbrushes?

YouTube Video on How to brush your teeth?

You spent 40 plus years paying attention to and planning your Bread winning career. Work related issues and problems filled your mind on the job and when at home. Now that is gone, but your mind has not moved on. Just like your planning for retirement where you were given financial advice on saving for retirement. You maintain a 401K, set aside money from your family for your own future use. You may even get help by engaging a financial planner to guide your investing. You are told that hobbies and vacations will fill your days with happiness and purpose. It may, but not likely. The book “Retirement How NOT to end up Tired, Bored and Lonely” is an excellent introduction to this next part of your life.